
Aperiri vivendum has in. Eu fabellas deseruisse mea, hinc solum tractatos vim ad, ut quem voluptua nam. Ei graeci oblique perci.


Main reasons to try acupuncture starting from ‘’Health Prevention’’

Acupuncture improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific acupoints.   Our body is free of pain and is healthy when ‘’energy’’ flows along specific pathways, called meridians throughout the body. This constant flow of energy keeps us balanced. However, if the flow of energy gets blocked, like the sink getting stuck with food trash, the disruption can lead to pain, lack of function, or illness.  Our research has demonstrated acupuncture’s effects on the nervous system, endocrine, immune system, cardiovascular and digestive system.

Case-controlled clinical studies have shown that acupuncture has been an effective treatment for the following  symptoms or conditions:




  Trigeminal neuralgia and facial paralysis


  Intercostal neuralgia

  Pains cervical spine

  Joint pain upper and lower limbs






  Athletic injuries

Psychological instability & Psychosomatic:






 Addictions (cigarette, alcohol, use of substances)


  Paralysis of the arms and legs

  Diseases with spasms

  Syndrome Meniere



  Amyotrophic lateral hardening (ALS)


  Multiple Sclerosis (SM)

 Gastrointestinal System:


  Stomach and duodenum ulcer





  Enteritis and diarrhea



ENT conditions:



  Allergic rhinitis

Heart :

  Vascular symptoms

  Hypertension (idiopathic)


Respiratory :

  Common cold


  Bronchial asthma


 Herpes zoster




Urinary system:

  Birth deficit

  Gynecological disorders

  Menstrual disorders and menopause

  Premature ejaculation

  Erectile dysfunction

Cosmetic aesthetic :



Anti-aging treatment