Balsam Oil
Balsam, Spatholado or oil pestle has been recognised since antiquity to have valuable therapeutic qualities and a wide range of applications. This is the famous perfume of the ancient Spartans. Hyper oil may also be drunk.
It is suitable for:
⁃ ulcer
⁃ colitis
⁃ painful digestion
⁃ acid stomach
⁃ healing various wounds (due to injuries or immobility in bed)
⁃ skin diseases: herpes, rashes, dry skin, itching
⁃ burns
⁃ combating haemorroids
⁃ back pains
⁃ sciatica
⁃ myalgia
⁃ lumbago
⁃ rheumatism
⁃ insect bite
⁃ insomnia
⁃ anxiety disorder
⁃ tranquilizer
It is also an excellent cosmetic especially for dry, sensitive and tired skins.
Balsam oil is also ideal for any therapeutic or relaxing massage and can be enriched with essential oils, as appropriate, or combined with
other oils (eg, almond oil avocado etc.)
It is especially recommended to drink half a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach, at night before bedtime and whenever a problem
Be smart and use it on a daily basis to improve your life experience!